Dr. Mary Ann Schloz
Chief Financial Officer
The sections and links below provide information regarding current financial statements for Urbana School District #116. This information is stewarded by the USD #116 Chief Financial Officer. More information can be obtained by calling (217) 384-3642. Prior financial information for Urbana School District #116 is open for the public here.
School Board Financial Statements
Review of the monthly expenses, revenues, and payables is done at the USD #116 Board of Education Business meeting. Those meetings are held the 3rd Tuesday of every month.
District Budget Information
District Audit Information
Annual Statement of Affairs
Contracts Exceeding $25,000
Urbana School District is pleased to announce a partnership with BKD IntegraReport. Any reports of fraudulent or unethical behavior can be reported anonymously 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year by using Urbana School District’s IntegraReport hotline.
You may report anonymously or you have the option to provide your contact information. You can use the online portal or call Urbana School District’s IntegraReport hotline at (833) 989-0601 to make a report regarding fraud, abuse, environmental issues, or violations of the Urbana School District’s Code of Conduct.
Reporting an issue to IntegraReport is easy and can be completed in just a few steps:
- Go to the website and select “Report a Concern”
- Next, describe the situation or incident with as much detail as possible. Include any names of individuals involved and date(s) of occurrence.
- Enter the location/property in which the incident took place.
- Finally, tell us how you discovered the incident. If you have any supporting documents, you can upload those files before pressing “submit.” If you would like to remain anonymous, do not include any identifying information. However, if you would like a follow-up on your report, please provide your contact information in the body of the message.