All USD116 families that are eligible for transportation and plan to have their student(s) ride a bus to or from school will be required to register for transportation.

  • Families are only eligible for transportation if they live 1.5 miles or more from their home school.
  • Please work with your school building to see if you are eligible for transportation.
  • The bus garage will communicate with families at least one week prior to the start of school regarding route information and pick-up/drop-off times and locations.
  • To help create bus routes and maintain proper social distancing, the decision to opt-out of transportation is irrevocable for the remainder of the semester.
  • Parents that elect to transport their children to school will not be reimbursed for their mileage.

FirstView Parent App

In continued partnership with our transportation provider, First Student, USD116 families now have access to FirstView®, a bus tracking and parent communications app for your smartphone or desktop.

  • Live Tracking: The FirstView® map screen shows you the location and direction of your student’s bus, for both morning and afternoon trips. FirstView also provides caregivers with confirmation when the trip is complete.
  • Customizable Bus Proximity Notifications: With FirstView, you set up a geofence around your location and are alerted when the bus enters the geofence. The geofence size and alert times are customizable, so parents are in control of their notifications. Students should still be at their assigned bus stop 10 minutes prior to the scheduled arrival time.
  • Custom Alerts and Messages: Set up push or email notifications alerting you when your student’s bus enters the geofence. Connect up to three additional email accounts (including your own) to receive email alerts. This is a great feature for grandparents or caregivers. 
  • Multi-Stop View: Buses for all your students can be tracked with FirstView®. Using individual colors for each student, the bus assigned to each student’s route appears on the map in the same color as the student for easy viewing.
  • Secure and Easy Access: FirstView® requires a password-protected account for app set-up. This way, only you can view your student’s stop! These codes are provided by your district/school.
  • Dedicated Customer Support: We are here to help you. Whether you are having trouble getting started with FirstView®, not seeing correct data or have an idea to make FirstView® better, we want to hear from you!

Contact FirstView® Monday – Friday (Support provided in English only):

  • Calling the toll-free phone number 888-889-8920 from 7:00 a.m. EST to 5:00 p.m. EST
  • Emailing Customer Support at
  • Using the in-app “” button to provide feedback

For more information and to download the app, please go to

For questions regarding USD116 transportation, please contact USD116 Chief Financial Officer Caty Roland at

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