Urbana High School students can enroll now for the 2025 Mayoral Recognition Program. The Urbana School District, in collaboration with the City of Urbana, annually recognizes high school students who volunteer and make meaningful contributions in our community. Last year, more than 100 students served more than 10,000 volunteer hours in the Urbana community and beyond.
The program is open to any UHS Student who commits to a minimum of 30 hours of volunteer service during the academic year. Students with 30 hours of service will receive a Certificate of Service. Students with 50, 75 or 100 hours of service will also earn bronze, silver or gold status and receive an additional recognition item. All participants will be recognized at the Mayoral Service Recognition Ceremony on April 16, 2025.
Application Process:
- Express your interest by March 14, 2025 by completing an enrollment form.
- Once you submit the form, the committee will send you an application form with additional information and instructions.
- Submit your service hours and any additional information by March 28, 2025
Please email Ms. Stuckemeyer with questions: lstuckemeyer@usd116.org