USD116 Improvement Plans​

USD116 has five equity strands that are monitored and reviewed for continuous improvement:

  • Systems: Ensure a systemic and continuous development toward advancing equity across policies such as
    attendance, academic monitoring, restorative practice, and clear expectations across all USD 116 schools.
  • Student Voice: Ensure a systemic and continuous development toward advancing equity across policies such as
    attendance, academic monitoring, restorative practice, and clear expectations across all USD 116 schools.
  • Teaching and Learning: Intentionally embed equity-driven pedagogy across all content areas through
    curricular resources, instructional strategies, use of assessments, and academic programming for the purpose of
    advancing equity among all students.
  • Family and Community as Agency: Foster authentic opportunities to develop partnerships with families and
    stakeholders to enrich the lives of students and the greater community.
  • Professional Learning: Provide opportunities for professional growth to meet diverse learners’ needs.

Each school also creates a school improvement plan around these goals. 

District and School Improvement Goals 2024-25

Urbana School District #116

Priority Goal #1: MAP Growth: By Spring of 2025 students in grades 1st through 10th will have an overall increase of 15% of students meeting or exceeding their growth goals in ELA based on NWEA (SY23-24 40% met)

By Spring of 2025 students in grades K through 10th will have an overall increase of 15% of students meeting or exceeding their growth goals in Math based on NWEA (SY23-24 42% met)

Priority Goal #2: Priority Group Proficiency: By Spring of 2025 we will increase by 15% the proficiency in Math determined by IAR for grades 3rd through 8th for African American students and increase by 10% the proficiency in Math determined by IAR for grades 3rd through 8th for Latine students

By Spring of 2025 we will increase by 10% the proficiency in ELA determined by IAR for grades 3rd through 8th for African American and Latine students

Priority Goal #3: Chronic Absenteeism: By Spring of 2025 Chronic Absenteeism in the district will decrease from 49% to 34%

Key Activities

  • District and admin walkthroughs to drive PD
  • Data Analysis Protocols
  • Leader Student Growth Goals focused on priority groups
  • Attendance goals in SIP monitored regularly
  • Data focused SIT meetings that identify root causes to course correct
  • Professional Development, support, and coaching on curriculum for leaders and staff

Guiding Questions

Student Learning Directors

  1. Are we living out our mission and vision for the success of our students?
  2. What does the data tell us about school leadership, staff practice and student progress?
  3. What are the needs of leaders and staff and how do they need to be supported for success with the SMARTIE goals?
Urbana Early Childhood School

Priority Goal #1: Literacy: From Fall 2024 to Spring 2025, all K-Bound students at UECS will increase their overall score by at least 2 on the UECS Vocabulary Checklist or maintain and increase their expressive labeling by at least 2 on the UECS Vocabulary Checklist, when assessed in the language of instruction.

  • Students must have been enrolled by at least Sept. 30th through the end of May.
  • Students must have an attendance rate of at least 85%.
  • All staff will administer the assessment within the testing window.

Priority Goal #2: Math: From Fall 2024 to Spring 2025, all K-Bound students at UECS will increase their overall score by at least 3 or maintain a score of 9 on the modified Connecting Numbers to Quantity Tool when assessed in the language of classroom instruction.

  • Students must have been enrolled from at least September 30th through the end of May.
  • Students must have an attendance rate of 85% or greater at each checkpoint.
  • All staff will administer the assessment within the testing window.

Priority Goal #3: Chronic Absenteeism UECS Staff will provide tiered support to reduce the chronic absenteeism rate from 56% to below 40%.

Key Activities

  • Staff explore IEP assessment accommodations, accessibility of assessment format
  • Follow-up Data review
  • Provide all staff meaningful professional development around numbers/quantity
  • Family Engagement Activities around counting and quantity
  • Establish and review assessment protocols with all (i.e. attendance & wording)
  • Review our tiered supports for attendance with all staff
  • Identify and provide appropriate tiered supports for students and families
  • Create a shared document of ideas of how to increase attendance

Guiding Questions

School Improvement Teams

  1. What does the data tell us about student success and areas of concern?
  2. What does the data tell us about staff practice progress?
  3. What are the needs of the staff and how do they need to be supported for success with the SMARTIE goals?

PLC/Grade Level Teams

  1. What is it we want our students to know and be able to do?
  2. How will we know if each student has learned it?
  3. How will we respond when some students do not learn it?
  4. How will we extend the learning for students who are proficient?
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary School

Priority Goal #1: MAP Growth ELA: By Spring 2025, 80% of the 21 targeted African-American 3rd and 4th grade students will meet or exceed their projected student growth goal on NWEA MAP Reading assessment from Fall 2024 to Spring 2025.

Priority Goal #2: MAP Growth Math: By Spring 2025, 80% of African-American students in grades 2-5 will make 10% or more growth in Math as assessed by NWEA MAP data from Fall 2024 to Spring 2025.

Priority Goal #3: Chronic Absenteeism: By Spring 2025, chronic absenteeism will decrease by 50%, from 30% to 15%.

Key Activities

  • Peer learning walks
  • Professional Development on implementing Tier 2 interventions in the classroom
  • All 21 students have an individual action plan in Panorama at the beginning of the school year
  • Teachers will use High-Leverage Practices as listed: use strategies to promote active student engagement, use flexible grouping, prioritize short and long term goals
  • Math Walkthroughs, Peer learning walks data
  • Gather data from progress monitoring sources (aimsweb PLUS, NWEA scores, student cool downs, unit checkpoints)
  • After 3 unexcused absences, there will be an attendance review meeting with the student’s team
  • SEA will check the Skyward attendance report daily and call unexcused students in the morning.
Thomas Paine Elementary School

Priority Goal #1: MAP Growth ELA: When surveying the MAP Reading assessment, we will increase the number of 1st through 5th grade students meeting their projected growth goal from 39% to 44% when comparing Fall 2024 to Spring 2025.

Priority Goal #2: MAP Growth Math: When surveying the MAP Math assessment, we will increase the number of Kindergarten through 5th grade students meeting their projected growth goal from 33% to 38% when comparing Spring 2024 to Spring 2025.

Priority Goal #3: Chronic Absenteeism: When using reports from Panorama, we will decrease the number of students in the “critical” category as shown on the Panorama Student Success report from 14% from May 2024 to 10% or less by May 2025.

Key Activities

  • Building fidelity using CKLA; Utilize materials aligned with science of reading
  • Utilize benchmark assessments for data gathering
  • Tier 1 support for building co teacher model to support core instruction
  • Grade Level Collaboration and Curriculum Implementation Teacher supports core instruction as needed
Dr. Preston L. Williams, Jr. Elementary School

Priority Goal #1: MAP Growth ELA: By May of 2025, 44% of first through fifth grade students will meet their English Language Arts growth projection on NWEA MAP, an increase of 10%.

Priority Goal #2: MAP Growth Math: By May of 2025, 46% of first through fifth grade students will meet their Mathematics growth projection on NWEA MAP, an increase of 10%.

Priority Goal #3: Chronic Absenteeism: By the Spring of 2025, we will decrease the number of chronically absent students by 14% moving from 34% to to 20% of students chronically absent using Skyward reporting.

Key Activities

  • Establish school-wide testing conditions for MAP administration.
  • Teachers set goals for all students to meet their projected growth while conferencing with students.
  • Staff will plan incentives for grade level teams achieving their goals. All classroom teachers will review outcomes and visually track data. (MAPping our progress) 
  • Pacing guide and Scope and Sequence regular check-ins will occur during PLC collaborations.
  • Staff will participate in professional development and coaching for the implementation of CKLA.
  • Teachers/case managers will contact families for any unexcused absences.
  • Monthly review of current chronic absenteeism data will be shared w/staff and families.
  • Attendance Check-ins will occur during PLC collaborations.

Guiding Questions School Improvement Teams

  1. What does the data tell us about student success and areas of concern?
  2. What does the data tell us about staff practice progress?
  3. What are the needs of the staff and how do they need to be supported for success with the SMARTIE goals?

PLC/Grade Level Teams

  1. What is it we want our students to know and be able to do?
  2. How will we know if each student has learned it?
  3. How will we respond when some students do not learn it?
  4. How will we extend the learning for students who are proficient?
Leal Elementary School

Priority Goal #1: MAP Growth ELA: By the spring of 2025, 55% of 1st-5th grade students will meet or exceed the projected growth goal in ELA as measured by NWEA Map Assessment.

Priority Goal #2: MAP Growth Math: By the spring of 2025, 55% of 1-5th grade students will meet or exceed the projected growth goal in Math as measured by NWEA Map Assessment.

Priority Goal #3: Chronic Absenteeism: By Spring 2025, the number of students identified as chronically absent will be reduced by 8%

Key Activities

  • Monthly data review during collaboration time
  • Implementation and monitoring of the CKLA curriculum with walkthroughs
  • Creation of optimal testing environment in all classrooms including goal setting, test practices, and 504 and IEP accommodations
  • Review of IM pre-unit practice problems and post-unit assessments to measure student growth.
  • Monitoring and record-keeping of students’ attendance during grade-level collaboration meetings.
  • Home visits to families of chronically absent students before and during the school year
Yankee Ridge Multilingual School

Priority Goal #1: MAP Growth ELA SLA: During the 23-24 SY, 42.24% of 1st-4th grade students met their Spanish MAP projected growth goal. By May of 2025, 47% of students will meet their Spanish MAP projected growth goal. ELA: During the 23-24 SY, 43.67% of 1st-4th grade students met their English MAP projected growth goal. By May of 2025, 48% of students will meet their English MAP projected growth goal.

Priority Goal #2: MAP Growth Math: During the 23-24 SY, 39.14% of 1st-4th grade students met their Math MAP projected growth goal. 

Priority Goal #3: Chronic Absenteeism: During the 23-24 SY chronic absenteeism rate was 23.8%. By May 2025, we will decrease the number of chronically absent students to 20%.

Key Activities

  • PD for all staff to improve evidence-based and high-leverage teaching practices for essential literacy skills (ex: phonics, phonemic awareness, Lotta Lara, Dictado, oracy, vocabulary development)
  • Vertical and horizontal alignment of Spanish, French, and English language development
  • Regular collaboration meetings to keep tabs on progress for grade level and make plans for students who are absent/not progressing
  • Walk-throughs (focus on literacy and engagement strategies)
  • Ensure access to culturally relevant printed materials in school library and classroom libraries (including literacy library)
  • Utilizing the IM pacing document and scope and sequence with fidelity. Discuss pacing at grade level team meetings.
  • Look at attendance data for
    • Forming SAIG groups based upon needs
    • Attendance incentives/celebrations Look at attendance data for
  • Clarify protocol for absences
    • Train teachers on protocol
    • Train all staff members on Panorama for documentation
  • Create and use a needs assessment for students who are chronically absent
Urbana Middle School

Priority Goal #1: MAP Growth ELA: By Spring 2025, the percentage of students meeting their projected growth will increase by at least 8%

Priority Goal #2: MAP Growth Math By Spring 2025, the percentage of students meeting their projected growth will increase by at least 8%

Priority Goal #3: Chronic Absenteeism: By Spring 2025, the percentage of chronically absent students will decrease by at least 8%

Key Activities

  • ALL teachers will review MAP data in various ways to impact student learning
  • Implementation and monitoring of the curriculum with admin walkthroughs 
  • Teachers and admin will continue implementing the curriculum with fidelity and designing plans for accommodations for diverse learners through professional development and curriculum collaboration.
  • Peer Observations
  • ELA/SLA teachers and admin will participate in professional development on the implementation of the new curriculum. ALL teachers will be given an overview of Key Components of curriculum.

Guiding Questions

School Improvement Teams

  1. What does the data tell us about student success and areas of concern?
  2. What does the data tell us about staff practice progress?
  3. What are the needs of the staff and how do they need to be supported for success with the SMARTIE goals?

PLC/Grade Level Teams

  1. What is it we want our students to know and be able to do?
  2. How will we know if each student has learned it?
  3. How will we respond when some students do not learn it?
  4. How will we extend the learning for students who are proficient?
Urbana High School

Priority Goal #1: MAP Growth ELA: From Fall 2024 to Spring 2025, the percentage of students who meet their NWEA projected reading growth goal within the 21st and 100th percentile will increase by 5% overall as compared to the 23-24 school year. We will achieve this by improving the curriculum, instruction, and assessment practices for all teachers surrounding informational text.

Priority Goal #2: MAP Growth Math: From Fall 2024 to Spring 2025, the percent of students who met their NWEA projected growth goal on the math assessment, will increase by 10% as compared to the 22-23 school year by improving the curriculum, instruction, and assessment practices for all teachers. 

Priority Goal #3: Chronic Absenteeism: As of Spring May 2024, 60% of students are indicated in the critical and at risk attendance (attending 90% or less) category as seen in Panorama Student Success. By May 2025, 45% of students or less will be indicated in the critical and at risk attendance category. 

Key Activities

  • MAP Testing Fidelity & Student/Staff Engagement 
    • Improved Testing Protocols
    • Giving MAP with fidelity
    • Unpacking and using the data to set to monitor goals (All English classes will implement goal setting conferences)
    • Include student incentives after each round of MAP testing
  • Unpacking our MAP data to monitor student success demographically and by grade strand in collaborative spaces (PLC’s, Departments, Common Plan)
  • Engage in professional learning about improving student access to informational text using evidence/research based strategies
    • Utilizing AVID driven instructional techniques
    • Standards to highlight: using tools strategically, constructing viable arguments & critiquing the reasoning of others, attending to precision, etc.
  • Review Attendance Procedures & Protocols
  • Promote daily attendance at UHS (assemblies, nightly events, athletics, clubs & activities, etc) for students throughout the school day and beyond using the strategy of providing a welcoming and affirming environment. 
  • Increase classroom attendance by utilizing the CASEL Signature practices and AVID strategies
  • Unpacking our Panorama data to monitor student success demographically and by grade strand in collaborative spaces (PLC’s, Departments, Common Plan)

Priority Goal #1: MAP Growth ELA: Using the RIT score, 75% of students will make their projected growth score on the MAP Literacy assessment across at least two benchmark periods.

Priority Goal #2: MAP Growth Math: Using the RIT score, 75% of students will make their projected growth score on the MAP Math assessment across at least two benchmark periods.

Priority Goal #3: Chronic Absenteeism: We recognize that when students are out of class for social-emotional needs or behavioral circumstances students are missing educational opportunities. Average student time out of class data will decrease by 15% from 23-24 to the 24-25 school year.

Key Activities

  • Training on the HMH curriculum
  • Data coaching
  • Student goal setting conferences
  • Ongoing Illustrative math training
  • Staff training on trauma and disability
  • Staff data training
  • Time out of class data meetings with student
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