Jessica Bradford
Director of Curriculum
and Student Learning
Welcome to the Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Department for Urbana School District 116. The Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Department’s primary focus is to support the achievement of the District’s Strategic Planning Beliefs, Mission, Objectives, and Strategies.
The Department of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment directly supports and plays a significant role in the following strategies and initiatives related to the District’s Strategic Plan:
- Development, alignment, and implementation of curriculum areas for Pre-K – grade 12
- Planning and coordination of district-wide professional development and implementation of effective instructional practices
- Planning and coordination of district-wide student and analysis of student achievement information
- Other programs related to curriculum, instruction, assessment and student achievement.
If you have questions about this information, please contact your child’s teacher, your school’s Principal or Director of Curriculum and Instruction at 217-384-3655.
The curriculum identifies WHAT is taught in our classes. The Urbana School District #116 curriculum is based on the Illinois Learning Standards and is aligned with the Common Core Standards for English/Language Arts and Mathematics, which were adopted by the Illinois State Board of Education in June of 2010. The Standards help us identify what a student should know and be able to do by the end of Grade 12. Illinois Learning Standards
Instruction refers to HOW the curriculum is taught. Teachers strive to put students in active roles during learning activities. Examples include paraphrasing information, problem-solving, hands-on activities, writing activities and critical thinking. Lessons include direct experiences with concrete examples to help students connect their current knowledge with new knowledge. Students are expected to take responsibility for their learning and are supported to set and achieve personally challenging goals.
Opt-Out Policy
Students cannot opt out of required curriculum except for:
- Comprehensive sex education
- Family Life class
- HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases
- Avoiding sexual abuse
- Instruction on organ/tissue and blood donor and transplantation programs
- Animal Dissection
The guiding priorities for our Health courses are to empower students with accurate, age-appropriate information that enables them to make responsible choices for their own wellness and safety. Our goal is to help students thrive in all three aspects of their health (physical, mental and emotional, and social health), while also educating them about the various factors that affect their health.
Our Health curriculum utilizes “Comprehensive Health” by Goodheart-Wilcox