UHS Students Perform at ILMEA All-State Conference

Several UHS music students were selected to attend the Illinois Music Education Association’s (ILMEA) All-State Conference. Because the students placed so highly at the district level, they advanced to All-State, which was held in Peoria on January 26-28. One student composer was also selected to participate in the Composition Track at the All-State Conference.

Based on their audition at the District Level, students were placed into one of the following groups: the ILMEA All-State Band, Choir, or Orchestra or the ILMEA All-State Honors Band, Choir or Orchestra. The following is a list of these students and their placements:

  • Jack Minor | Trombone | All-State Band
  • Genevieve Owens | Bassoon | All-State Band
  • Jaiden Burgess-Davis | Tenor II | All-State Choir
  • Theodore Nevins | Tuba | All-State Orchestra
  • Elianna Lee | Percussion | All-State Honors Band
  • Ian Peters-Contra | Alto Clarinet | All-State Honors Band
  • V Bechtel  Alto II | All-State Honors Choir
  • Ioelle Lee | Oboe | All-State Honors Orchestra

The following is the UHS student who participated at the 2023 ILMEA All-State Convention in Composition:

  • Aaron Rosenstein

Participation at the state level consists of students from all nine ILMEA Districts throughout the state.

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