Guadalupe Ricconi
Director of
Multilingual Programs

Joseph Wiemelt
Executive Director of Secondary Multilingual & Alternative Programs


The Urbana School District #116 values the diversity of our student population. In USD116 there are approximately 1,200 students who speak a language other than English (or have a language other than English in the home). There are almost 50 different languages represented from our student population and our students come from countries around the globe. Othose students, there are around 900 Emergent Bilingual (EBs) students attending USD 116 schools. EBs are students who are still developing their English proficiency and are eligible to participate in our Multilingual Programs.  The USD #116 Multilingual Program provides Emerging Bilingual Students the opportunity to receive equal and equitable access to education.

Two-Way Immersion (Dual Language Education)

USD #116 is committed to honoring the Three Pillars of Dual Language Education through our two-way immersion programs:

  • Bilingualism and Biliteracy: Learning content via two languages through each of the language domains
  • Grade-Level Academic Achievement: Ensuring high academic achievement for every student in both program languages 
  • Sociocultural Competence: Encompasses identity development, cross cultural competence, and multicultural appreciation
Our Dual Language programs are bilingual education programs that integrate students who are Spanish or French dominant with students that are English dominant with instruction in two languages Spanish (or French) AND English. Students spend part of the school day learning in Spanish (or French) and part of the day learning in English through a 90/10 model (Spanish) or 50/50 model (French). 

The goals of the dual language program is for students to develop high levels of proficiency in both Spanish (or French) and in English. The benefits of bilingualism allow for creativity and problem solving, greater cross cultural understanding, and marketability for future college and career goals in a bilingual and multilingual society.

The Dual Language program is voluntary, therefore Dual Language will be for those who choose to enroll in the program.

Yankee Ridge Elementary is the District’s multilingual school for K-5th grade students. Both the Spanish Dual Language Program and the French Dual Language Program are housed at Yankee Ridge School. The Dual Language Program continues through Urbana Middle School (Spanish/English) and Urbana High School (Spanish/English). 

Transitional Program of Instruction/English as a Second Language

The Transitional Program of Instruction (TPI) is for Emergent Bilingual students who have English across the four language domains – listening, reading, speaking & writing. The program provides support to help students succeed in academic subjects while learning English. The classes count toward graduation requirements. Schools that support the TPI program are Urbana Early Childhood School, Dr. King Elementary School, Urbana Middle School, and Urbana High School. In addition we offer small group push-in and pull-out support at all elementary buildings.

Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee (BPAC)

The Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee (BPAC) is a requirement for TBE programs. BPAC is a parent organization that supports the educational, extra-curricular, and social needs of the students. It consists of the multilingual director, parents, bilingual teachers, counselors, and a community leader. During BPAC meetings the discussions may include program information, provide an avenue for parents to ask questions and express concerns, and Urbana School District 116 to continuously work to improve the quality of education for all students.

IL Seal of Biliteracy

The Illinois State Seal of Biliteracy is for Illinois high school graduates who demonstrate a high level of proficiency in four domains of English and a language other than English. The seal is designated on the student’s diploma and transcript. The commendation toward Biliteracy is awarded to students who demonstrate progress toward biliteracy, but do not fully meet the requirements of the Seal of Biliteracy. Participating encourages the study of other languages, benefits the student by increasing employment and academic opportunities, benefits the global community by communication with people from other cultures, and allows participants to get college credit at public universities.

Multilingual Assessments​

WIDA Screener

The WIDA screener is an abbreviated version of the ACCESS 2.0 test for ELLs.  It is given to all new students in the district if a non-English language is indicated on the Home Language Survey.  The test is administered by Multicultural Program staff and takes approximately 30-60 minutes or more depending on the English ability of the student.

ACCESS 2.0 for ELLs

ACCESS 2.0 is an annual state English proficiency test given to all English Language Learners (ELLs) in grades K-12. The ACCESS 2.0 test must be given to all ELL students in and out of the ESL/Bilingual programs until they obtain a 4.8 composite proficiency level.  Scoring is based on the English proficiency standards as developed by the WIDA Consortium. Students are tested in 5 areas: Social and Instructional Language, Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies. All 4 language domains are assessed within these content areas: speaking, listening, reading, and writing.  Different tests are given by grade cluster: K, 1, 2-3, 4-5, 6-8, and 9-12.

In addition there are 2 tiers (A, B/C) that are assigned individually based on the English proficiency level of the student.  Testing is administered by the Bilingual & Multicultural Program Department and given by certified teaching staff.

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