Lori Johnson
FOIA Officer,
Board Recording Secretary,
Administrative Assistant to
the Superintendent
Notice of Procedure for Requesting Records
Public records, whether stored in physical form or as electronic data, may be requested in writing. The District provides non-exempt public records that are stored electronically, including records stored in databases, in a format that does not require knowledge of computer language or printout format. If it is not feasible to furnish the public records in a specified electronic format, then the District will furnish the records in the format in which it maintains those records, or in paper format at the option of the requester.
Requests for public records must be in writing and may be submitted on a Freedom of Information Act Request Form available at: Jean F. Burkholder Administrative Service Center, 1101 E. University Ave., Suite B, Urbana, IL 61802 OR Download a FOIA Request Form
Requests for records should be directed to Ms. Lori Johnson, Jean F. Burkholder Administrative Service Center, 1101 E. University, Suite B, Urbana, IL 61802.
- Phone: 217-384-3636
- Email:
No fees shall be charged for the first 50 pages of black and white, letter or legal sized copies requested. After the first 50 pages, the fee for black and white, letter or legal sized copies shall be 15 cents per page. Actual cost will be charged for other documents not of standard size and for the recording medium (e.g. compact disk, tape, DVD).
The District may waive or reduce fees if the person requesting the records states the specific purpose for the request and indicates that a waiver or reduction of fees is in the public interest.
The list below contains the categories of records kept by the District; some of the records within
these categories are exempt and, therefore, will not be disclosed in response to a FOIA request.
a. Board governance records, including without limitation: Board meeting calendar and
notices, Board meeting agendas and minutes, Board policies, Board resolutions,
meeting recordings
b. Fiscal and business management records, including without limitation: levy resolution
and certificate of tax levy, audit, line-item budget, grant documents, account
statements, accounts payable list, contracts, legal notices, bidding specifications,
requests for proposals, vendor proposals
c. Personnel records, including without limitation: employee contact information, salary
schedules, employee benefits information, staff handbook, collective bargaining
agreements, labor and employee relations records, professional development,
personnel file materials
d. Student services and instructional records, including without limitation: accountability
documents, calendars, student handbooks, food services, transportation services,
health services, extracurricular programs, learning outcomes, student school records
e. Other administrative records, including without limitation: marketing and community
outreach materials, information technology records, property and facilities records
f. General correspondence, including without limitation: emails and other written
communications about District business