Dr. Angi Franklin
Assistant Superintendent
of Human Resources afranklin@usd116.org

Peter Foertsch
Director of Human Resources pfoertsch@usd116.org
Thank you for your interest joining the Urbana School District #116 team. You can find a list of our open positions here. If you have questions about a particular position or the status of your application, please contact Human Resources (217) 384-3600. We look forward to your application!
Urbana School District offers competitive salary and benefits, tuition assistance for grad school and a $3,000 teacher sign on bonus. Urbana is located in the core of a metropolitan triangle, just a short drive away from Chicago, Indianapolis and St. Louis.
Substitute Teacher Opportunities:
Urbana School District #116 hires substitute teachers as needed throughout the year to work in our schools. To become a substitute teacher for USD116, please complete an online application. You do not need to have your Sub License or Paraprofessional License when you apply and interview. Once hired, an application for your subbing license can be submitted to the Regional Office of Education.
There are two types of licenses that can be obtained through the Regional Office of Education:
- A Sub License
- An Educator License with Stipulations (ELS) with Paraprofessional Endorsement (PARA).
A Sub License allows a person to sub for any teacher (starting pay at $160/day) or teacher’s aide ($105/day) position. An ELS (PARA) will only allow a person to sub for any teacher’s aide position in the district. Please see the 2023-24 Substitute Assignments and Rates for more information.
Please contact Jennifer Diercks, Regional Office of Education Licensure Specialist, at 217-893-3219 or jdiercks@roe9.org for any specific questions regarding licensure.
Basic Requirements for a Sub License: Minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree
Basic Requirements for an ELS (PARA) License: High School Degree or GED equivalent, and one of the following: 60 hours of college credit OR Associates Degree
Additional Requirements for all:
- Interview & reference check
- License application and registration fees (ranging from $160 – $230)
- Cleared fingerprint background check
- Physical within 90 days of license application
- Completion of employment packet
- Attendance at substitute orientation & blood-borne pathogens training
Employment Benefits:
Health Insurance: Eligible employees have a health plan through Blue Cross Blue Shield. The Board of Education contributes a portion of the premiums, and the employee is responsible for the rest. An employee may choose to waive his or her health insurance coverage during the first 31 days of hire. Under state and federal law, in the event an employee’s coverage terminates, he or she may be entitled to continue group coverage if meeting certain criteria. Contact Human Resources (217) 384-3648 for details.
Employee Benefit Allowance: An Employee Benefit Allowance can be requested in lieu of health coverage. This allowance is ideal for eligible employees already covered by other insurance. The allowance can be used for reimbursement for business-related expenses, other insurance-related expenses or dependent care. A health insurance waiver must be signed each enrollment year in order to qualify for the Employee Benefit Allowance. For details about the Employee Benefit Allowance contact the district’s Business Office at (217) 384-3642.
Life Insurance: Reliance Standard provides Basic Life Insurance paid by the district for eligible employees as well as Enhanced Optional Life and Spouse and Dependent Coverage which can be purchased by eligible employees. Contact Human Resources (217) 384-3648 for details.
Dental Insurance: MetLife is the provider of voluntary traditional dental insurance. This traditional plan employees have allows an eligible employee to go to any dentist and pays a percentage for covered services. Contact Human Resources (217) 384-3648 for details.
Vision Insurance: MetLife is the provider of voluntary vision insurance. This allows an eligible employee to go to a vision provider and pays a percentage for covered services. Contact Human Resources (217) 384-3648 for details.
Flex Plan: The Flexible Spending Account (or flex plan) allows eligible employees to tax shelter a portion of their income for payment of items such as tax shelter group health, dental and life insurance premiums, medical co-payments, eye exams, glasses, prescription drugs, dependent care expenses and more. Cost must be actually incurred and documented with receipts for reimbursement. Contact Human Resources (217) 384-3648 for details.
Contracted Service Employment Opportunities
Urbana School District #116 contracts with outside cleaning and food service companies. Below is the contact information. Please contact these companies directly for employment opportunities. All district employees and those who work in school buildings for a contracted service must complete a fingerprint criminal background check.
Cleaning Service: ESS Clean Inc. | 2406 E. University Ave. | P.O. Box 17067, Urbana, IL 61803 | (217) 337-6701
Food Service: Quest Food Management Services | 2500 S. Highland Ave., STE 250, Lombard, IL 60148 | (630) 627-7708