Doing Good in the U

The Urbana School District, along with the City of Urbana, want to recognize students who volunteer in our community. In partnership, we are launching the Mayoral Recognition Program on Jan. 17, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, as a way to honor his legacy. The goal of this program is to support Urbana High School Students develop the skill sets to exercise their rights and responsibility as citizens. We also want to honor them as they make meaningful contributions in our community. 

The program is open to any UHS Student who commits to a minimum of 30 hours of volunteer service during the academic year. Students with 30 hours of service will receive a Certificate of Service from Urbana Mayor Diane Marlin, USD #116 Superintendent Dr. Ivory-Tatum and UHS Principal Nance. Students with 50, 75 or 100 hours of service will also earn bronze, silver or gold status and receive an additional recognition item. 

UHS Students are able to apply or be nominated for the program. Students must fill out this application form and have someone verify/approve hours served. 

All participants will be publicly recognized at the Mayoral Service Recognition Ceremony in May. 

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