November Calendar Changes

USD Families, there is an upcoming change to the school calendar.  November 22 and 23 will be E-Learning days with asynchronous work provided. Students will not be in attendance at school on Monday and Tuesday, the week of Thanksgiving Break. Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are already designated as out-of-school days due to the Thanksgiving Break. 

Early childhood through 7th grade students will receive asynchronous assignments from their teachers in advance (by 11/18 or 11/19). Students in grades 8-12 will be instructed to bring their district-assigned device home on Friday, November 19th, so they can access their asynchronous assignments through Google Classroom(s). 

These are typically very low student attendance days, and usually, the District experiences a high absence rate.  By shifting these to non-school attendance days, it will give us an opportunity to review and reassess student learning. Students can use these days to redo or complete missing activities, work ahead on upcoming projects, and set goals for the remainder of their semester. This short break will also provide us with an additional opportunity to deep clean and sanitize our schools. 

We hope staff and students use this opportunity to reset and make self-care a top priority as we conclude the last three weeks of the first semester. Thank you for your continued support of the USD116 community as we continue to navigate through the day-to-day challenges we are all experiencing to finish the first semester strong.   

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