Nurturing Dreams for Blooming Bilingual Leaders

The Urbana High School Dual Language Program teamed up with Illinois State University to expose first generation Latine high school students to ISU’s Bilingual/Bicultural program, as a way to build interest in pursuing a profession in bilingual education. 

The Nurturing Dreams for Blooming Bilingual Leaders project provided leadership development opportunities for current ISU Bilingual/Bicultural students and created a mentorship relationship between first generation Latine bilingual college students and professors with first generation Latine bilingual high school students.

“I am so appreciative of this collaboration,” said Dr. Joe Wiemelt, Executive Director of Secondary Multilingual & Alternative Programs. “Seeing so many first generation Latina/o/e dual language students engaging in goal setting and developing positive relationships with current college students and professors was inspiring and motivating. I look forward to continuing to foster college and career development with our students moving forward and know that this will not be the last collaboration with ISU.”

In March, ISU students along with professors, Dr. Vivian Presiado and Dr. Evelyn Baca, from the School of Education and the Bilingual/Bicultural Education program visited Urbana High School. The university students led small groups, sharing their experiences as first-generation college students and as future bilingual/multilingual teachers. 

In April, those same UHS students visited ISU’s School of Teaching and Learning to learn more about the Bilingual/Bicultural program, among other majors. The visit was led by first generation, bilingual Latine students and professors and included a campus tour, lunch, and a workshop and presentation on preparing for the college enrollment process. 

“ISU has helped me learn that my language is a part of who I am and how I can let it impact inside and outside of school,” said UHS Student, Arelly Gutierrez. “Letting my language grow and help me in my future is such a gift we all deserve to have.”

The UHS students who participated were nominated by UHS dual language teachers, with a focus on first generation college bound Latine dual language students. The Class of 2024 at Urbana High School includes students who are in the first graduating class of Dual Language Students, having gone through the program from 1st through 12th grade. 

As I have gotten to know these students in the dual language program, I have learned that they have amazing goals and are very hard working,” said Hillary Allan, a Coordinator and Teacher at Urbana High School. “I also learned that they are not familiar with what their options are after high school. This partnership with ISU has been an amazing opportunity for students to learn about college.” 

The project was funded by a Supporting Effective Educator Development (SEED) grant and managed by ISU professor and former Urbana dual language teacher, Dr. Vivian Presiado.

“Being in community with Urbana High School students I taught in Kindergarten between 2012-2015 was powerful,” Dr. Presiado said. “I was able to remind the UHS students that I saw greatness the moment I met them in kindergarten, full of life and aspirations.  Many wanted to be teachers in kindergarten and even if their plans changed, the First-Generation Latinx community at ISU is here to root for them and support them. It was truly a unique experience to see how Urbana students have flourished and momentarily join them on their life journey to remind them that ‘Si Se Puede, Yes You Can.’”   

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