Chad Harper
Before/After School Child Care Program

Terry Napper
Before/After School Child Care Program
The Before & After School Child Care Program is an extracurricular part of the Urbana School District. It provides a safe, supervised place for children in grades K-5. Before care begins at 6:30 a.m. and is available until school starts. After school care starts immediately after school until 6 p.m. The before school program is located at Leal for all elementary students. Students are transported by bus to their home school. After school care is available at each elementary school.
Recreation Leaders at each site lead the program. Our program offers supervision and leadership in a variety of areas including recreational activities, occasional special interest projects, reading and homework opportunities. An afternoon snack is served daily.
The Before & After School Child Care Program is a self-supporting program. The cost of the program is covered through the payments of program participants. Any child enrolled in an Urbana School District elementary school may be enrolled in the program. Children may join Before School, After School, or both. To enroll and for fee information, contact Chad Harper or Terry Napper at 217-384-3633 or 217-384-3536. The Before & After School Child Care Office is located at Dr. Williams Elementary.
Payment for BSCCP and ASCCP can be made through the USD #116 Web Store.
Hours: Daily when school is in regular session
- Before School: 6:30 a.m. to 8:15 a.m. (Located at Leal. Students are transported to their home school)
- After School: 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.