
Strong attendance has a proven impact on student success. Help us by making sure your student is in school EVERY DAY, in order to achieve academic success. Please let us know how we can support you.  

We know that some absences are unavoidable. We understand kids get sick and occasionally need to stay home. The important thing is to get your student to school as often as possible. We are here to support you and assist in removing barriers that interfere with your student’s attendance. 


The current policy of Urbana School District #116 states the following: The acceptable reasons for absence are illness of the student or illness in their immediate family, family emergency, observance of religious holidays, death in the immediate family, and such situations beyond the control of the student. If a child is not well, they should stay at home for their own sake and in consideration of their classmates. 

Every Minute Counts

Absences add up! Students who miss TWO DAY of school a month…

  • Will miss 20 days per year
  • Will miss 30 hours of math
  • Will miss 60 hours of reading and writing
  • Will miss more than an entire year of school by high school graduation


When a student is absent because of illness, observance of a religious holiday, death in the immediate family, or an emergency in the immediate family, as defined in the school policy, these procedures are to be followed:

  • The parent or guardian is to call the school attendance office (main office in schools other than the middle school and high school) on the morning of the first day of the absence.
  • The parent is to indicate the reason for the absence and the estimated duration of the absence.
  • In special cases where absence is over an extended time or is frequent, the principal may request reasons in writing from the parent and/or a statement from a physician.
  • All absences not reported by phone, regardless of reason, will be recorded as unexcused. Written statements are also accepted at all buildings except Urbana High School. At Urbana High School, telephone calls must be made between 7:15 a.m.- 4:15 p.m. on the day of the absence, or the absence will be considered unexcused.


The maximum number of excused absences allowed in a semester is four (4). Parents may request that an absence be excused for the following reasons: personal illness, family illness, medical/dental appointments, religious holidays, and funerals. Building administration has the final authority to determine whether or not an absence will be excused. Once a student has accumulated four absences per semester, any additional absence will be considered unexcused and handled as an unexcused absence. Excluded from this policy shall be absences that are verified by a doctor’s statement. The doctor’s statement must be an original copy signed by a licensed medical professional. It must include the date(s) of the student’s relevant absence(s). Students exceeding five (5) unexcused absences per semester will be reported to the Regional Superintendent as chronically truant.


The Illinois State Board of Education recognizes that supporting our educators’ and students’ mental and emotional well-being is vitally important to achieving our vision, mission, and goals.

Public Act 102-0321 (Senate Bill 1577) amends the compulsory attendance article of the School Code by allowing students to take up to five mental or behavioral health days per year. Students are not required to provide a medical note and must be given the opportunity to make up any schoolwork missed during such absences.  Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make healthy choices. It is essential to know that mental health is more than just the absence of a mental disorder or disability. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood.


Truancy is defined as unexcused absence for any school day or a portion of the school day. Habitual or chronic truancy is defined as unexcused absences totaling 5 percent or more of the previous 180 regular attendance days; approximately nine unexcused absences. Parents will be notified by their school before a student’s absences reaches five percent. Schools will utilize supportive services and other school resources in an attempt to correct the truant behavior of students who are approaching a chronic truancy classification.

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