This page contains registration information for parents or guardians who have a student who completed the previous year at an Urbana #116 school.  This includes students moving from one of our elementary schools to UMS OR moving from UMS to UHS

Registration for NEW Students

Registration for NEW students is held in July. This is for new families only. More info on new student registration.

Registration for Kindergarten Students

Information on kindergarten registration can be found on this page. 

Registration for Returning Students

Returning students and their families use an online registration process through Skyward Family Access Center. Once logged into Family Access Center, at the top of the left menu, click on Returning Student Registration and then click on the name of your student. If you have more than one student, you will need to submit a registration for each student.  As you proceed through each step, please review your student’s information, make any needed changes, and input any requested information. If you need help, call 217-384-3526 or email onlineregistration@usd116.org. Please include your student’s name and school in the email.  

Note: While any web browser can be used, we recommend using Google Chrome to complete online registration.

SIGN IN: Visit Skyward Family Access Center 

REGISTER: Click Returning Student Registration in the top left and then click on the name of your student (if you have more than one student, you will need to submit a registration for each student).  Review your student’s information, make any changes and fill out any requested information.  Click here to view screenshots| Tutorial de registro en línea

UPLOAD DOCUMENTATION: Proof of residency documentation is required for families who have moved. Acceptable documents include either: A) a current lease or mortgage statement; B) two current utility bills (within the last 60 days).  Families with leases that expire prior to the start of the new school year will still be required to provide a new lease in order to complete the registration process. Documents may be scanned or you may upload a picture from your phone (make sure name, date and address are clear). Here are some Youtube videos to assist: 

COMPLETE REGISTRATION: As you proceed through the steps, be sure to select “Complete Step” at the bottom of each page (as you complete them, green check marks will appear on the right side of the screen).  On the final step, select “Submit Returning Student Registration.”  You will receive an email confirmation once registration has been successfully completed.  If there are any issues with your submission, your student’s school secretary will contact you.

SUPPORT: If you need help logging into Skyward or completing online registration please contact your student’s school, call 217-384-3526 or email onlineregistration@usd116.org. 

To view a video on how to register click one of the following links: Video in English | Video in Spanish

 There is a $100 registration fee for all elementary, middle and high school students. This registration fee can be paid via credit card during the online registration process. You can also mail a check to your student’s school.  If your family qualifies for free/reduced lunch, this fee may be reduced or waived.  Urbana Early Childhood school does not require a fee for registration, but all children must be screened. UECS registration forms will be provided following successful screenings. For more information about screenings, please contact Urbana Early Childhood School.

As stated in the Urbana School District #116 Board of Education Policy (Board Policy Manual, Chapter 7:30 Student Assignment and Intra-District Transfer), parents may request an assignment to an attendance center outside their residential area by making a written request (petition form). 

Petitioning Procedures and Expectations

  1. The Annual Petition to Attend a Different Elementary School form must be completed and submitted to the Superintendent’s Office. The address to mail the form is 1101 E. University Ave., Urbana, IL 61801 Attention: Julie Estell, or email to jestell@usd116.org
  2. New student(s) to the district must be registered in their home school before a petition can be addressed.
  3. Parents/guardians will provide or arrange their own transportation for their student(s).
  4. Parents agree to have their children to school on time and picked up after school is dismissed. Granted petitions can be revoked if attendance or tardiness becomes an issue.
  5. Decisions concerning the admission of petition students are made by the building principal of the school being petitioned. Each building principal will make their decision based on enrollment and staffing at a particular grade level that is being requested.
  6. For the 24-25 school year, petition forms must be submitted by former Wiley families located at the incoming dual language school no later than May 24, 2024, and all other families no later than July 31, 2024
  7. Decisions by the building principals will be made no later than one week prior to the start of the school year.
  8. Petitions are for only one year. Petitions must be submitted annually.

The State of Illinois requires a current Certificate of Child Health Examination, signed by a physician, and containing all required immunizations, be on file for every child attending Kindergarten, 6th and 9th Grade. YOUR STUDENT WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO START SCHOOL WITHOUT THE COMPLETED HEALTH CERTIFICATE. This policy will be strictly enforced. 

Physical exams must be done within one year of the first day of school. The Urbana School District may accept physicals transferred from another school district for transfer students as long as the physical was done within one year of the first day of school and it meets Illinois requirements. Athletic physicals will NOT be accepted.

Every child must present proof to the school district of receiving immunizations against preventable communicable diseases as required by Illinois law (Section 665 of the Child Health Examination Code). If you would like the immunization data reported to ISBE, please contact ISBE directly.  A diabetes screening must be done, and the doctor or health care provider must write the results of the diabetes risk assessment on the physical form. Lead screening must be done at the health examination for children age six years or younger before they can attend preschool, nursery school, kindergarten or other child care program. If your health care provider does not do a lead screening, the school nurse can do it. Your child will have to take a blood test if you answer “Yes” or “Don’t Know” for any single question on the screening or if he/she has lived in a high risk ZIP code.

Physicals, dental services and more are available at the Urbana School-based Health Center, which is open to Urbana students. The clinic is located next to to Urbana High School. For more information, visit the Urbana School-based Health Center website.

The Illinois State Board of Education requires all children in kindergarten, 2nd, 6th and 9th grades have an oral health examination. The examination must be performed by a licensed dentist and a Proof of Dental Examination Form must be completed by the dentist. The Proof of Dental Examination Form must be completed prior to May 15 of the current school year. Schools will be required to collect these forms on this date.

Please note, if your child has had an exam in the last 18 months, the dentist can complete the form based on that appointment. If the school does not have a completed form for your child, the school can withhold your child’s year end report card. 

Illinois law requires that proof of an eye examination by an optometrist or physician (such as an ophthalmologist) who provides eye examinations be submitted to the school no later than October 15 of the year the child is first enrolled or as required by the school for other children. 

The examination must be completed within one year prior to the first day of the school year the child enters the Illinois school system for the first time. The parent of any child who is unable to obtain an examination must submit a waiver form to the school.

The Emergency Medical Authorization is provided at registration and must be filled out completely and returned to the principal’s office of your child’s school. If the information on this form needs to be changed during the year, please contact the office. In an emergency, we must be able to reach you immediately. Hospitals will not treat anyone under 18 years of age without written permission.

All students entering 12th grade will be required to show proof of recent meningococcal conjugate vaccination (MCV4). All 12th graders will need to show proof of receiving two doses unless the first dose was administered after 16 years of age. In this case, only one dose after 16 years of age is required. This vaccination will prevent your student from a severe form of bacterial meningitis as well as other illnesses caused by this bacterium.

Some students may have already received this vaccine since it has been recommended for various populations in the recent past. In this case, all you would need to do is provide the school verification of receiving the meningococcal conjugate vaccine. Documentation accepted as complying with the requirement for students entering 12th grade includes the following information:

  • A letter or note signed by your healthcare provider identifying the date the MCV4 was administered.
  • Printout from your provider’s electronic medical record (EMR) that indicates the vaccine was administered.
  • Current Certificate of Child Health Examination form, specifying the date the MCV4 was administered.

The deadline to submit proof of receiving the MCV4 vaccination is October 15. There will be no
extensions. Please submit your documentation prior to this date to avoid your child being excluded from school. If you have any questions, please contact Brandy Stover at (217) 384-3529 or bstover@usd116.org.

If your child is eligible for transportation your must complete the online registration process by July 26, 2024. A letter with bussing information will be mailed to your home. Late registrants must contact their school to complete a “Busing Form” to request transportation.

USD116 has selected the Student Insurance Plan from K&K Insurance to make reliable coverage available to parents. Coverage may be purchased at any time during the school year by visiting www.studentInsurance-kk.com.

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