CU Schools Foundation hosts Chopped Challenge 2019 at Urbana High School

On Monday Dec. 9, the Champaign Urbana Schools Foundation (CUSF) hosted the fourth annual Chopped Challenge at Urbana High School at 9 a.m.

Students from Urbana High school culinary arts class and Edison middle school students interested in foods and the culinary arts competed in the kitchen.  The collaboration stretches across both school districts and was originated in 2016 to help extend the experience of students at Fowler Farm as they learn to create dishes utilizing food safety techniques from their locally grown produce. The ultimate “farm to table” challenge mixes middle and high school students into teams to create the winning three ingredient dish (using eggs and two greens) for the judges in 50 minutes.

Chopped Challenge 2019 Gallery

This year’s celebrity judges included Bob Rowe, Classic Events Catering, Colleen Hatton, Dish Passionate Cuisine, Jordan Baldoratta, Baldoratta’s Porketta & Sicilian Sausage, and Ann Swanson, former chef and farm director at Hendrick House Catering.  Amanda Pérez-Rosser, family and consumer science teacher at Urbana High school said, “The challenge showcases the collaboration between our districts as students teach one another to use the things they have grown to create dishes that are delicious and healthy.” Earlier this fall, CUSF awarded over $12,000 to expand multi-school collaborative grants. CUSF will award close to $70,000 in community raised funds for teacher grants and student scholarships during the 2019-20 school year.

The mission of the Foundation is to elevate the excellence in Champaign and Urbana public schools by investing in educators and students. For more information, or to donate and support these grants, contact Executive Director Kelly Hill, or 217-398-2973.

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