Coming Soon: Vaccine Clinic for Elementary Students (ages 5-11)

Urbana School District is excited to announce plans to offer a vaccine clinic for Urbana students ages 5-11 . Through a partnership with Champaign-Urbana Public Health District (C-UPHD), we plan to provide the Pfizer COVID vaccine to all eligible students.

The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) has authorized the Pfizer vaccine for elementary school children aged 5-11. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is expected to consider authorization for Pfizer’s vaccine for elementary school children in early November. Based on this new information, we are hopeful the vaccine will be approved very soon, and we want to be proactive in our planning.  

We hope to take advantage of our next “No School Day” and offer a vaccine clinic for our students age 5-11 on Friday, November 5.  The clinic will take place at Urbana High School from 1-6 p.m.

In order to plan and provide supplies, we need to determine the approximate number of people who would participate in this clinic. If you are interested, please fill out this form: Elementary (ages 5-11) Vaccine Clinic Interest Survey

We will provide additional information to USD116 families, including the process to signup, as soon as we receive the go-ahead from C-UPHD and clinic details are finalized.

Thank you for doing your part to help keep our school community safe! 

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