Principal Ladd looks forward to a successful year at UECS

As the new academic year continues its successful start, the new Urbana Early Childhood School (UECS ) principal Beth Ladd is hard at work to ensure that all UECS families stay engaged and connected through the remote learning process. During a brief sit-down at the top of the year, Principal Ladd discussed how it feels to be back at USD116 and what she looks forward to for the year ahead.

First and foremost, welcome back to the USD116 family. How does it feel knowing you’ll be leading this school for the upcoming school year?
I am excited and honored to be joining the team at Urbana Early Childhood School. We are experiencing a time in education that is unprecedented. Having a team of dedicated, knowledgeable, and creative staff will help me in determining the best ways to keep all our staff and students safe while also prioritizing a quality foundational education for so many USD 116 students.

What inspired you to become an educational leader?
Those that came before me and those I have worked alongside. I remember so many of my educators as being instrumental in my growth as a person. I hope to encourage my staff, students, and families in similar ways.

What would you say you are looking forward to the most as the new principal?
Getting back to school with staff and students-being together to learn. There is such an amazing and supportive staff here at Early Childhood. I know the year will bring some amazing things through working with the strong support system we have here at our building.

What would you say is your favorite part about being a principal?
Being a part of a school community, especially here in Urbana. Again, the support that exists here from both staff and families is great.

As you know, your school is a very diverse school with a lot of students/families from several different backgrounds all under one roof. How do you think your past experiences has helped you prepare for this role?
I choose to work and live in diverse communities because the benefits of an integrated community are immeasurable. I have worked in special education for most of my career while in the last three years I have been principal at an amazing elementary school.

As I am sure you already know, our district has several principals who lead their schools in specific ways that benefit their unique school environment. What would you say your style of leadership is?
I use different leadership principles in different situations. I work to be collaborative, transformative, democratic, challenging, and an advocate for the families and students where I work.

How do you think that leadership style will benefit your school?
UECS is in a great place having had great leadership and programming for a while. I hope to build on the strengths and work with the team to expand and grow in new directions.

Speaking of leadership, parents are very hands-on and look to their child’s principal for updates, guidance, and overall constant communication throughout the year. In what ways should parents at your building look forward to hearing from you about school updates, events, and opportunities?
Families will hear from me in several ways throughout the year. Currently, I am working to gather more information from families about their desires and worries for returning to school. I typically like to send out monthly newsletters with updates and previews. Information is shared regularly with teachers who communicate information quickly to families. We have monthly family events that support a wide range of areas as well.

Speaking of that, feedback and participation from parents/families throughout the year is vital for leadership success at our schools. In what ways would you like to see parents be involved in their students’ success throughout the year?
Family involvement is key to educational success and looks different for each family. Volunteering, communicating with staff, being active in the community, and just being a parent are all significant in supporting student success at school.

In addition to leading our great families of Urbana, you’ll also be leading a talented group of teachers. In what ways can your teachers look forward to working with you throughout the year? 
This year is obviously very different and the staff at UECS will be supporting me in many ways as learn the specifics of their day to day programming so we can work together to develop and implement a plan of instruction that reaches our youngest students during this difficult time of physical and social distancing.

Of course, we are still in the middle of a pandemic which changes the dynamic of learning for our students and teaching for our teachers. In what ways have you prepared to support and lead your families and teachers as the year progresses with COVID-19 in mind?
I am working closely with current team members at UECS as well as USD 116 and surrounding areas to brainstorm, question, challenge and establish the best course of action to ensure quality programming in spite of the necessary restrictions to ensure health and safety for all.

Finally, any message you’d like to give to your community of students, parents, and staff as the year moves forward?
Despite the anxiety, difficulties, and unknowns, we are going to have a great year and we will continue to work as a team to meet the needs of our families.

Principal Ladd can be contacted via email at To see a complete list of USD116 school leadership, click here. Don’t forget to follow USD116 on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. #UrbanaBetterTogether

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