The Potawatomi Trail of Death

Secondary Sources:

An Introduction
by Mr. Foley

Map of the Trail of Death
Fulton County Historical Society

Primary Sources:

Eyewitness Journal Entries (#1)
George Winter, Artist

Eyewitness Journal Entries (#2)
Jesse C. Douglas, Enrolling Agent

Letters from an Eyewitness
Benjamin M. Petit, Jesuit Missionary

Newspaper Article #1
Sangamon Journal, September 29, 1838

Newspaper Article #2
Quincy Whig, October 3, 1838

Photos of Sidney, IL Monument to Potawatomi Trail of Death
taken by Mr. Foley

Photos of Sadoris, IL Monument to Potawatomi Trail of Death
taken by Mr. Foley

created by Mr. Foley - last update: 7-12-04 - Foley Homepage