Thursday 30th Aug. - Monday 3rd Sept. Twin Lakes, Plymouth
Indiana. Gen. John Tipton captured Menominee's village, closed Father
Petit's chapel, sent squads of soldiers in all directions to bring in &
enroll Indians. Preparation for journey. Loaded wagons.
Put 3 chiefs in jail wagon: Menominee, Black Wolf,
& Pepinawa.
Tuesday 4th Sept. 21 miles, camped at Chippeway (Tippecanoe
River & Michigan Road) in Fulton County. Left at Twin Lakes Chief
San-ga-na [Sun-go-waw] & family of 13 because sick. 20 Indians
escaped & took 2 horses. Roads choked with dust. 286 horses,
26 wagons.
5th Sept. 9 miles, camped at Mud Creek. Water scarce. 51 persons
too sick to travel, left at Chippeway. A child was born & a child
died. Party of 3 indians joined us.
6th Sept. - Sunday 9th Sept. 17 miles, Logansport, Ind. 49 of those
left at Chippeway caught up. 4 children died. Mass conducted
on Sunday by [Bishop Brute]. Physicians report 300 cases of sickness
so medical hospital erected.
... Saturday 15th Sept. 10
mi., camp by filthy stream near Indiana-Illinois state line. Young
Indians allowed to go hunting. 2 small children died along the road.
Sunday 16th Sept. 15 mi., crossed state line at noon, camped at Danville,
IL. Left 7 persons in camp, 1 a woman about to give birth.
Whole country afflicted with sickness. 4 whites died in town.
Father Petit arrived, got chiefs out of jail wagon, baptized
dying babies.
click here to read Father Petit's description
of the trip
Monday 17th - Wednesday 19th Sept. 6 mi., Sandusky’s Point, Illinois.
Remained in camp due to illness. The sick left behind yesterday caught
up, had new baby. 3 children & 2 adults died. A child was
born. Dr. Jerolaman assisted by Dr. James Buell of Williamsport.
Thursday 20th Sept. 10 mi., Davis’ Point. Most
volunteers discharged, 16 retained. Gen. Tipton left, Wm. Polke is
now in charge.
Friday 21st Sept. 12 mi., Sidney, Ill, chief Muk-kose & a child
click here to see a picture of
Sidney's monument to the Trail of Death
Saturday 22nd Sept. 16 mi., Sidoris' Grove, Heavy rain,
exceedingly cold. A wagoneer discharged for drunkeness. 2 intoxicated
Indians locked up.
click here to see a picture of Sadoris' monument to
the Trail of Death
Sunday 23rd Sept. 15 mi., Pyatt’s Point on Sangamon river. Father
Petit performed service before journey started. A child died this
morning. 29 sick persons left in camp.
Monday 24th - Tuesday 25th Sept. 15 mi. Sangamon Crossing in Illinois.
2 children and 1 adult died. Indian men permitted to go hunting.
Sick left in camp yesterday caught up.
Wednesday 26th Sept. 14 mi., Decatur, Ill. The physician is sick.
A child died after dark.
Thursday 27th Sept. 14 mi., Long Point, Ill.
Indian men procuring so much game that rations not needed, camp is full of
Friday 28th Sept. 18 mi. Crossed Sangamon River. Polke promised
Indians tobacco after going thru Springfield tomorrow if the
present a good appearance. Chief I-o-weh in charge of celan up.
Forage is plentiful. 2 children died during the night.
click here to see newspaper article from Springfield,
(Sept. 29, 1838) about the Potatwatomi march.
Saturday 29th Sept. 17 mi., McCoy's Mills. Indians dressed up to
pass thru Springfield, Ill. Camped at stream with little water.
Sunday 30th Sept. 6 mi., Island Grove. A child died. A dragoon
(note: soldier) dismissed for intoxication.
Monday 1st Oct. 17 mi., Jacksonville, Ill. A child fell from wagon
and was crushed by wheels, will probably die. Late at night the camp
was complimented by serenade from Jacksonville Band.
Tuesday 2nd Oct. 16 mi. Marched into Jacksonville town square where
presents of tobacco and pipes given to Indians by citizens. Band
played & escorted Indians. Camped at Exeter.
Wednesday 3d - Thursday 4th Oct. 9 mi., Naples, Ill. Spent 9 hours
fording Illinois River. Able to wash clothese & make mocasins.
2 children died.
Friday 5th Oct. 12 mi., McKee's Creek. Subsistence: beef & flour.
Had to hunt for water, found only in stagnant ponds.
Saturday 6th Oct. 18 mi., barren encampment we named Hobson's Choice.
Beef and potatoes issued to Indians tonight. A child died this evening.
Rain, cooler.
Sunday 7th Oct. 12 mi., Mill Creek in Illinois.
A child died.
Monday 8th - Wednesday 10th Oct. 7 mi., Quincy, Illinois. Steam
ferry across river, entered Missouri. 3 children died. Permission
granted to remain in camp each succeeding Sabbath for devotional services
(note: attended Mass at St. Boniface Catholic Church in Quincy).
click here to read newspaper article from Quincy, IL
(October 13, 1838) about the Potawatomi March
Click here to read Father Petit's letters describing the trip.