Historical Fiction

Language Arts/Social Studies Unit

Mary Reger


To download this lesson in PDF format, click here.

Lesson 8


Essential Questions:  What is historical fiction writing?  How can I use artifacts and primary sources in writing historical fiction?


Enduring Understanding:  Each student will write a historical fiction story including at least two primary sources in their story.  They will use a graphic organizer (Story Writing Plan) to organize their ideas.


Assessment:  Each student will complete a historical fiction story following the ÒHistorical Fiction RubricÓ.



á      Writing Notebooks

á      ÒStory Writing PlanÓ

á      ÒHistorical Fiction RubricÓ


Suggested Procedures:


It is suggested this lesson be completed in one week.


1.     Each student will choose a time period that their story will be in (American Revolution, Settler, Civil War, or Depression).


2.     Each student will choose two or more artifacts and/or primary sources to include in their story.


3.     Each student will fill out the ÒStory Writing PlanÓ before beginning to write.


4.     Each student will write, proofread, revise, and rewrite a historical fiction story following the ÒHistorical Fiction RubricÓ.


5.     Each student will read their story to the class.