Historical Fiction

Language Arts/Social Studies Unit

Mary Reger
To download this lesson in PDF format, click here.
Lesson 7


Essential Questions:  What is a graphic organizer?  How can a graphic organizer help us get organized when writing a story?


Enduring Understanding:  Together the class will fill out the graphic organizer ÒStory Writing PlanÓ.  Each student will participate in the shared writing of a Historical Fiction Story.


Assessment:  The teacher will assess the participation each student takes in the shared writing activity.



á      Chart paper

á      Marker

á      ÒStory Writing PlanÓ


Suggested Procedures:


It is suggested this lesson be completed in one day as a whole group.


1.     Pass out the ÒStory Writing PlanÓ.  Call on different students for ideas to fill out the ÒStory Writing PlanÓ.  Each student will complete a ÒStory Writing PlanÓ as a group.


2.     As a class use the ÒStory Writing PlanÓ to demonstrate how to write a story using the ÒStory Writing PlanÓ.  Each student will contribute to the story.  This will be a shortened version of what they will write on their own.