So You Want to Run a Presidential Campaign...

A Web Quest for 3rd Grade Social Studies

Designed by

Katie Hickey Snyder



Your teacher will assign you to one of the following Political Parties:




Green Party

It takes many people to run a successful campaign. You and your team members will work together to understand your party's history, philosophy and stance on the main issues. Each person needs to take responsibility for part of the work. To do that, the Campaign Committee is divided up into the following jobs:

Candidate- This is a one person job. This person will represent his/her party to the best of her/his ability. They make and approve speeches. Sometimes they may help write speeches. They make sure that the message that the public is seeing and hearing is based on the philosophy of the party. This person assists with all aspects of the campaign. This person will work on the skill of public speaking, being persuasive and getting along well with others.

Publicity Manager(s)- Writes and/or designs television commercial, bumper stickers, lawn and rally signs. This person will work on creativity skills.

Speech Writer(s)- Finds out what the party's position is on the issues. Is the lead person for writing the Position Paper and the main speech(s). This person will work on writing skills.

Campaign Manager(s)- Organizes the campaign committee on a daily basis. Decides who will help with what job. Makes sure everyone does his/her job. Helps with all parts of the campaign. This person will work on organizational skills.

Important: ALL members of the Campaign Committee are responsible for each task assigned. Everyone ALWAYS has a job to do.

Think about your group members. What are their talents? What skill would they like to improve? Which job would be best for each kid?