Historical Fiction

Language Arts/Social Studies Unit

Mary Reger

To download this lesson in PDF format, click here.

Lesson 5


Essential Questions:  IÕve looked at local sources, are there national sources that I can look at?


Enduring Understanding:  Each student will look at some national sources and determine if they are primary or secondary.  They will also determine what type of source it is (photo, letter, document, news article, add, etc)


Assessment:  Each student will fill out the ÒNational SourcesÓ worksheet.



á      Computer with internet access

á      ÒNational SourcesÓ worksheet


Suggested Procedures:


It is suggested that you take one day to complete this assignment.


1.     Discuss the difference between local sources and national sources.


2.     Have each student go to each of these Internet sites and follow the directions on the worksheet for each one.








3.    Have each student fill out the ÒNational SourcesÓ worksheet for each Internet site.