Historical Fiction

Language Arts/Social Studies Unit

Mary Reger

To download this lesson in PDF format, click here.

Lesson 3


Essential Questions:  What differences are there between the present and the past?  How can we compare and contrast the present and the past using photos?


Enduring Understanding:  Each student will be able to look at photos of rooms in houses and identify if it is a room in the present or past.  They will compare and contrast different living styles from the past and today by looking at the photos of the rooms.


Assessment:  Each student will complete a ÒComparison/Contrast ChartÓ




á      ÒComparison PhotosÓ

á      ÒComparison/Contrast ChartÓ worksheet


Suggested Procedures:


It is suggested this lesson be completed in one day in a small group of 6-8 students.


1.     First ask students if they have ever been on a tour of a period home.  Discuss what a

period home is.  Ask them what was different from that home and their home.


2.     Pass out the photos of the rooms from the period home and the current home.  Talk

about what they see that is different.  Make a list on chart paper.  Talk about things they like about it and things they donÕt.


3.     Next make a list of things on the chart paper that are the same.  Talk about if they like

the things that are the same.  Discuss why it might be important to compare these pictures.


4.     Hand out the ÒComparison/Contrast ChartÓ and have the students complete while looking at the photos.  Have them complete one for the kitchen and separate one for the living room/parlor.