Historical Fiction

Language Arts/Social Studies Unit

Mary Reger

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Lesson 1


Essential Questions:  How can historical fiction stories teach us about history?


Enduring Understanding:  The students will be able to somehow relate to the people in the past through text to self.  They will also be able to compare stories of the past to their life using a Venn diagram.


Assessment:  The students will choose one of the books read and create a Venn diagram comparing the people and events in the book to themselves.



á      Writing Journal

á      Choose one book from each of the four time periods:

á      Revolutionary War Period

á      Settler/Pioneer Period

á      Civil War Period

á      Depression Period

á       Venn diagram


Suggested Procedures:


It is suggested this lesson be completed in 2-3 days as a whole group.


1.      Ask the question, ÒWhy do people write stories about the past?Ó  Write several responses on the board.  Discuss what historical fiction is and why it is written.


2.     Read one book from each of these times periods: Revolutionary War, Settler Period, Civil War, and Depression Period.  After each book discuss what was going on in history.  Have each student write a text-to-self connection in their Historical Fiction Journal.  Discuss how things were the same and different from that time period to our time in history.


3.     After you have read all four of the books make a Venn diagram on the board and have students come up with things different and the same from the time period in the book to our current time in history.  After you have made a class Venn diagram hand out the Venn diagram worksheet and have them make their own Venn diagram.  Have them choose one specific period and compare it to our time in history.