Holocaust Web Resources

Summer Institute, 2007

Website: Description:

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum


This website has many resources for teachers, students, university faculty and scholars.  (The teacher resources are all on the CD from the museum that you are receiving during the Summer Institute.)  For your students, if you scroll down in the “Students” section, you can find something called, “A Learning Site for Students”.  The USHMM is also working with Google Earth to map and display the genocide in Darfur.

Florida Holocaust Museum


“The Florida Holocaust Museum honors the memory of millions of innocent men, women, and children who suffered or died in the Holocaust.  The Museum is dedicated to teaching members of all races and cultures to recognize the inherent worth and dignity of human life in order to prevent future genocides.”   Click on “Education” to visit the “Virtual History Wing,” with overviews of anti-Semitism, Kristallnacht, ghettos, and more.

Yad Vashem - The Holocaust Martyrs’ and Heroes’ Remembrance Authority (Israeli)


A wealth of resources for you as you prepare to teach the Holocaust in your classroom.  Click on “Teach, Learn, Explore" to find a newsletter for educators, materials, and an interactive map.  Click on “Holocaust-Shoah" and you’ll find a list of resources, including a chronology, documents, and additional links.

Simon Wiesenthal Center


The Simon Wiesenthal Center is a Jewish human rights organization.  Its mission is to confront anti-Semitism, hate and terrorism, and promote human rights and dignity.  This site also gives information about the New York Tolerance Center, a professional development facility that works with educators, law enforcement officials, and those involved with state/local government.

Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center


This project of the Holocaust Memorial Foundation of Illinois was founded by Holocaust survivors in Skokie more than 25 years ago.   You can request a museum field trip or investigate their education offerings.  There is a Holocaust timeline, a speaker’s bureau, a glossary, and Holocaust myths and facts.

Cybrary of the Holocaust


Here you’ll find student resources (for example, online study guides), teacher resources (annotated bibliographies and more), and resources for adult scholars.  You and your students can also click on “Audio/Video” to find interviews.

Holocaust History Project


Not much will remain of the Jews.  On the whole it can be said that about 60 per cent of them will have to be liquidated whereas only about 40 per cent can be used for forced labor.”  Joseph Goebbels, 1942.  This website opens with that disturbing quote, and if you scroll down you can find news releases, Quicktime movie clips, essays, and primary documents.

Anti-Defamation League


This site has a number of links on the left side to sections about civil rights, extremism, international affairs, terrorism, and more.  Their “holocaust” section includes a “Children of the Holocaust Discussion Guide” that, with some preparation, could be a wonderful resource for the classroom.  A Teacher’s Guide is included for this section of the website.

Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies University of Minnesota


This site is divided into four main sections – a Virtual Museum; Histories, Narratives, and Documents; Educational Resources; Links and a Bibliography.  The “Histories, Narratives & Documents” section has a number of primary documents that you and your students can look at, as well as some background for the documents.

The Holocaust Chronicle (reference text)


Really interesting site that chronicles the Holocaust from 1933 to 1946.   Tiny text on the left side of the page gives you additional Holocaust links that you can go to for further information.

A Teacher’s Guide to the Holocaust


Produced by the University of South Florida, this site offers a timeline, teacher resources, and student activities.  One interesting link entitled “People” takes you to a list that investigates the “human drama of the Holocaust.”  You’ll find links to information about the victims, perpetrators, bystanders, resisters, rescuers, liberators, survivors, and children.

Joyce Meyer’s Holocaust Web site


This site was created and is annually maintained/updated by Joyce Meyer in Champaign, Illinois. Please take the time to note her comments on the homepage as well as the numerous, tested links to a wide variety of topics dealing with the Holocaust.

Jewish Partisans


“A partisan is a member of an organized body of fighters who attack or harass an enemy, especially within occupied territory; a guerrilla.”  Here you can find a curriculum about Jewish partisans and a site for students that includes the “Who, what, when, where, why, and how” of the Jewish partisans and the Holocaust.

Ghetto Fighters House


At the Ghetto Fighters House, the goal is to construct a Jewish and Israeli identity based on their history and memories of the Holocaust, ethical and moral values, and the reinforcement of humanistic values.  A photo archive is available, but under construction at the moment. 

Facing History and Ourselves


Since 1976, Facing History has been asking students to examine prejudice in order to develop a more informed citizenry.  On the left side of the page, you’ll find a link to “Take a Journey,” where you can get some background on the Facing History experiences for teachers, students, and individuals seeking to know the importance of their identity.