Evaluating postcards as primary sources


To download this lesson in PDF format, click here.


Essential questions/enduring understandings:



Students will use the information gleaned from these sheets to do the last group activity and culminating project.  Teacher should evaluate these sheets as well, as well as evaluating Student Participation.



Setting the Purpose: 
Students will examine local primary sources (postcard samples) and national primary sources (postcard samples) to examine the history contained within the cards, and to spark discussion about the types of images that were used for postcards depending on the community context.  Students will discuss how these images actually reflect the history of that region.  Students will then examine local postcard samples that have script written on back (transcription provided).  This examination will lead to a discussion as to how personal written communication reflects the history of the medium (postcard communication) as well as the era itself.


Duration:  2 class periods



Part 2


Analysis of local primary sources:

Collection of Postcards from the Champaign County Historical Museum, Champaign, Il.  One set is meant to show postcard styles only; the second has transcriptions of written content.  Students will evaluate these items using the NARA analysis sheets.

Ties to National primary source or sources:

Collection of Postcards from the Library of Congress’ “American Memory” archives web site.  Students will evaluate these items using the NARA analysis sheets.


Annotated list of Materials and resources:

Collection of Postcards from the Library of Congress’ “American Memory” archives web site. 


Collection of Postcards from the Champaign Cattle Bank, Champaign, Il.  Postcard Styles. 


Collection of Postcards from the Champaign Cattle Bank, Champaign, Il.  Postcards with written material. 



Photo Analysis Worksheet.  U.S. National Archives and Records Photo Analysis worksheet.


Written Analysis Worksheet.  U.S. National Archives and Records Written Analysis worksheet.


Student Participation.  From the San Diego County Office of Education web site. (http://www.landmark-project.com/classweb/tools/printable.php?rbrc_id=64683)