Lesson 5:  The Harwood Family - George Harwood


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Essential Questions/Enduring Understandings:

What can we learn from primary sources?  How does family shape our lives?


Materials needed:

George Harwood picture and memorial pamphlet

Harwood Family Memorial Pamphlet


Setting the Purpose:

Students will use primary sources to find out more about AbelŐs family.



1.  Write on the board:  What was AbelŐs family like?  Have students take a few minutes to write thoughts in their notebooks.

2.  Hand out the packet with GeorgeŐs picture, his memorial pamphlet and the Harwood Memorial booklet.  Hand out the analysis sheets as well.  Have students examine these packets and fill out the analysis sheets.

3.  Get together in groups of 5 and share findings.

4.  Discuss with the group:  Do you think that the fact that Abel came from both a puritan and Military family affected the way he lived his own life?  What evidence do you have to back up your answer?

5.  Knowing now his familyŐs military background, does this change your idea of how he might of reacted to his friendŐs letter?

6.  Record any findings of questions in notebook and pose new questions before closing.


Time frame for lesson:

1 class period


Analysis of Local Primary Sources:

Students will use written document and picture analysis sheets to study family history.


Ties to National Primary Source or Sources:

Harwood Memorial dedication booklet.

Look for Veteran records



Check in notebooks for question completion and analysis sheets.