Mr. Roosevelt Comes to Champaign County:
An Examination of the New Deal

Marshall Schacht (St. Joseph-Ogden High School)     
Fellowship Summer 2009
Champaign County Historical Archives

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Lesson 4.5:  Rural Electrification Administration (REA)

ÒLehmann Tells Plan for Farm ElectrificationÓ  Urbana Daily Courier:  Sept. 18, 1935 (pg. 3)

á       In what ways do farmers benefit from ÒelectricificationÓ?

á       What are the four problems Prof. Lehmann names that stand as obstacles in the process?

á       How would ÒelectricificationÓ change life in rural Champaign County?


ÒElectric Lines Serve 12,000 Farm FamiliesÓ Urbana Daily Courier: Aug. 19, 1938 (Part I, Part II)

á       What does this article state is the reason for the establishment of the REA?

á       Has the program been successful?   What evidence does the article give?

á       How does Champaign County rank in comparison with others regarding allotments?


 ÒRural Power Network GrowsÓ (Cooperative Map):  Urbana Daily Courier:  Dec. 20, 1938

á       To what Rural Power Cooperative did Champaign County belong according to the map?

á       What three counties also made up part of the same cooperative?

á       How many miles of rural power lines did out cooperative include as of Dec. 20, 1938?

á       What five cooperatives had more power lines than ours?

á       How does Central Illinois compare to Southern Illinois in terms of amount of lines erected?

á       What does this fact imply about life in each region of the state?

á       Why do you think that the northern part of the state does not have cooperatives?

á       According to the caption, would you conclude that as of Dec. 20, 1938 that the Òrural electricification processÓ was nearly finished?  On what basis did you make your conclusion?