Mr. Roosevelt Comes to Champaign County:
An Examination of the New Deal

Marshall Schacht (St. Joseph-Ogden High School)     
Fellowship Summer 2009
Champaign County Historical Archives


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Lesson 4.4:  Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

ÒFormer Urbana High Youth Declares CCC Is Great Outing and Pleasant WorkÓ Champaign-Urbana News Gazette:  Sept 9, 1933 (Part I, Part II)

á       What role does H. Bernard Baker have at his camp?  What advantages does this give him?

á       What comments does he make about his experiences in nature?

á       What are some of the activities that the boys do to pass leisure time?

á       Where does his pay check go?

á       Did all of the boys have the same experience in the CCC?

á       How would you summarize his experiences?

á       Why is it important that this young man earn a salary?

á       What impact would accounts like this have on enrollments in the CCC?

á       Does it make you want to join?


ÒApplications for CCC Camp Work Will Be AcceptedÓ  Daily Illini Sep 28, 1934 (pg. 2)

á       What two people, in what offices, are responsible for filling the county allotment for the CCC?

á       What is the limit for applications per county?  Why do you suppose they had such a limit?

á       What are the prerequisites for applicants?  Why do you think each was important?

á       Why would this article be of special interest to the readers of this particular periodical?

á       Do you think that college students today would be interested in such a program?


ÒCCC Costs Found to Total $443,000,000 for giving work to 850,000 Men During YearÓ  Daily Illini:  Sep. 30, 1934 (pg. 11)

á       How many men worked for the CCC in 1934?  At what expense?

á       What three monetary costs combine to make up the total amount?

á       What additional benefits are there to this program?

á       Did the CCC benefit certain states more than others?  What does (doesnÕt) the article say?

á       The quote from Robert Fechner in the second to last paragraph indicates what about the state of the economy?

á       Summarize what the last paragraph says about the impact of the CCC.


ÒWould Militarize CCCÓ  Urbana Daily Courier:  Aug 1, 1936

á       What does the first paragraph of this editorial say would be the two benefits of military training in CCC camps?

á       Why would CCC workers be susceptible to influence by communistic ideas?

á       Given the year of the article, why would militarization of our young men be a pressing issue?

á       According to the author, why is the CCC Òleast vulnerable to criticismÓ?

á       Summarize the intent of this editorial. 

á       Do you agree with the authorÕs arguments?

á       Do these arguments carry weight today given the weight on our military by wars abroad?


ÒDanville Area Named Kickapoo State ParkÓ  Urbana Daily Courier:  Aug 13, 1939

á       Why was Kickapoo State Park given its name?

á       Where is and how big is Kickapoo State Park?

á       From where did the 200 workers transfer?

á       What jobs would these young men do in the new park site?

á       From which two sources did money for the camp come?

á       Recently Kickapoo State Park barely survived a budget cut in Springfield.  Only after the protests of many angry citizens did it remain open.  Given the huge budget deficits facing our state and our country, why is it important that such a park remain open?