County Education from 1890 -1940:
A Comparison
2010 Fellowship, Champaign County Archives
Melissa Luffman
To download this lesson in PDF format, click here.
Lesson 2: Review of Primary and Secondary documents
This lesson will use small group centers to examine
school documents including: promotion cards, report cards, and teacher lesson
plans/record books, through the use of primary documents and student
information between 1895 -1940.
Teacher Prep
Print off a cluster web from the following website:
Set up stations (2 copies of each station):
groups of three will visit all stations to complete a single cluster web per
group on the documents. Copies of the following documents are needed:
o Station 1: Report cards and
promotion cards
o Station 2: School apparel ads
o Station 3: teacher lesson plans/record
Classroom Activities:
Show the class the documents from each of
the three stations and review with them the cluster web organizer and how
it should look. Modeling one
example from the stations may be needed if this is a new activity to students.
In small groups, have students go to each
of the three stations and review the documents. Students should be discussing the documents and filling in
details about each station on the cluster web.
Set a timer to inform groups of moving on
to the next station. Only one group should be working with each set of
documents at a time.
When all three stations have been visited,
have the students regroup to discuss each of the three stations. Discuss
details and make inferences about what may be going on at the time.
Using the clusters completed at each
station, have students write about their favorite document and list the details
learned from it.