Women, Children, Labor and the Progressive
Era Unit
Nancy Deaton
AHTC 2006 Summer Fellowship
Illinois State Archives, Springfield
High School US History
To download this lesson in PDF format, click here.
Day 3—Analyzing the
Factory InspectorÕs Report
1. Divide up class and give sections of the Factory InspectorÕs
Report for them to analyze using the Factory
InspectorÕs Report Worksheet.
that could be given to groups
a. p8-9 Children in
b. p9-12 Children in
c. p12 Children in Glass
Works Factory
d. p13 Children and
e. p17-19 Health of Workers
f. p19-20 Risks for Public/Purchaser
2. Then groups report back to the class about their
findings, teaching their classmates about their sections.