The Oil Embargo: What, When, Why, and How did it Impact Local Schools?
2009 Fellowship, Champaign County Archives
Jacob Bretz
This lesson involves examination of secondary
and primary sources and completion of a map and graphic organizer about the
background of the OPEC oil embargo such as what is was and why it occurred?
Teacher Prep
Educate yourself briefly on the
background of the OPEC oil embargo of 1973-74 using the following website,
Make copies of and familiarize yourself
with the following….
o The
OPEC Oil Embargo Worksheet
o Key
Tank Battle Raging in Sinai. Urbana
Courier, October 18, 1973.
o Israel
Holds Bridgehead Across Suez. Urbana
Courier, October 19, 1973.
o Libya
Also To Use Oil as Weapon. Urbana Courier,
October 20, 1973.
o Saudi
Arabia Cut Off Oil To U.S. Urbana Courier,
October 21, 1973.
o Cause
and Effect Chart found at following website,
Pass out copies of The OPEC Oil Embargo
Worksheet to each student
Ask students if they know anything about
OPEC or what an embargo is, allow numerous students to respond
When student are done sharing answers
explain to them what OPEC is as well as the meaning of the word embargo,
students should fill the information out on their worksheets
After defining the two key terms at the
top students should label the map and color in all the Middle Eastern OPEC
Direct students attention to the map on
the worksheet and ask students for ideas of what that Middle East region would
have that they may embargo
Allow for a variety of student answer, do
not acknowledge the right answer even if someone says oil
Place students in groups of 3 and pass
out the following to each group…
o Key
Tank Battle Raging in Sinai. Urbana
Courier, October 18, 1973.
o Israel
Holds Bridgehead Across Suez. Urbana
Courier, October 19, 1973.
o Libya
Also To Use Oil as Weapon. Urbana Courier,
October 20, 1973.
o Saudi
Arabia Cut Off Oil To U.S. Urbana Courier,
October 21, 1973.
o Cause
and Effect Chart (one for each student)
Students should each read one of the
articles, explain their articles to each other, fill out Cause Effect Chart
o For
younger grades you may want to fill in a couple steps on the chart to help
guide students
When students are finished come back
together as a class and discuss how OPEC, oil, and the Yom Kippur War relate to
the United States