The Oil Embargo: What, When, Why, and How did it Impact Local Schools?

2009 Fellowship, Champaign County Archives

Jacob Bretz

To download this lesson in PDF format, click here.  


Lesson 2:

This lesson involves examination of secondary and primary sources and completion of a map and graphic organizer about the background of the OPEC oil embargo such as what is was and why it occurred?


        Teacher Prep

·      Educate yourself briefly on the background of the OPEC oil embargo of 1973-74 using the following website,

·      Make copies of and familiarize yourself with the following….

o   The OPEC Oil Embargo Worksheet

o   Key Tank Battle Raging in Sinai. Urbana Courier, October 18, 1973.

o   Israel Holds Bridgehead Across Suez. Urbana Courier, October 19, 1973.

o   Libya Also To Use Oil as Weapon. Urbana Courier, October 20, 1973.

o   Saudi Arabia Cut Off Oil To U.S. Urbana Courier, October 21, 1973.

o   Cause and Effect Chart found at following website,


Classroom Activities:

·      Pass out copies of The OPEC Oil Embargo Worksheet to each student

·      Ask students if they know anything about OPEC or what an embargo is, allow numerous students to respond

·      When student are done sharing answers explain to them what OPEC is as well as the meaning of the word embargo, students should fill the information out on their worksheets

·      After defining the two key terms at the top students should label the map and color in all the Middle Eastern OPEC nations

·      Direct students attention to the map on the worksheet and ask students for ideas of what that Middle East region would have that they may embargo

·      Allow for a variety of student answer, do not acknowledge the right answer even if someone says oil

·      Place students in groups of 3 and pass out the following to each group…

o   Key Tank Battle Raging in Sinai. Urbana Courier, October 18, 1973.

o   Israel Holds Bridgehead Across Suez. Urbana Courier, October 19, 1973.

o   Libya Also To Use Oil as Weapon. Urbana Courier, October 20, 1973.

o   Saudi Arabia Cut Off Oil To U.S. Urbana Courier, October 21, 1973.

o   Cause and Effect Chart (one for each student)

·      Students should each read one of the articles, explain their articles to each other, fill out Cause Effect Chart Together

o   For younger grades you may want to fill in a couple steps on the chart to help guide students

·      When students are finished come back together as a class and discuss how OPEC, oil, and the Yom Kippur War relate to the United States