The Battle of the Overpass and its Lasting Impact on Labor History


Brandon J. Sethi

AHTC Lesson Plan

National Archives and Records Administration

Great Lakes Region (Chicago)


To download this lesson in PDF format, click here.  

Day 3:  Students will be exploring the actual events from the overpass that day as well as reading a news article written many years later that seeks to explore the implications the battle had on labor history in America.


Essential Questions:

How does the media shape the way people view different events in history?  What role can images play in shaping the way we perceive different events in history?
Why is there conflict between the corporations and the everyday workers?  How does that conflict get resolved?
What is the purpose of a union?




Assessment will come from the photo analysis as well as classroom discussion.


Setting the Purpose:


In this lesson, we wrap up our look at the necessity for the Wagner Act as a result of the Battle of the Overpass. 


-  Journal:  What is the purpose of a union?

-  Photo analysis.  Divide class into groups and provide copies of UAW photos 1-13 as well as photo analysis sheets and have students analyze what is going on in the picture.  

-  Read newspaper article from Detroit News on the events, following which students will compare the article to their photo analysis and then students will create a timeline of the events as well as a biography card of Reuther.

-  Read over documents beatings1-3.jpg and discuss the events in correlation with our timelines.


Analysis of Local Primary Sources:


-  Testimony from trial regarding the beatings given by FordŐs goons to the union organizers.

-  Detroit News article about event from the 1990Ős as part of a look back.

-  Photographs as taken by Scott Kirkland that day of 1937 on the overpass


Ties to National Primacy Sources or Sources:




Annotated List of Materials and Resources:


Photo Analysis Sheet:  Worksheet for students to analyze photos from Battle of the Overpass.  Works well for any photo analysis.


News article from Detroit News about the historical implications of the Battle of the Overpass.


Beatings.1-3.jpg – Series of documents of testimony from trial detailing how they were treated and beaten on that day.