Poster Analysis

(Adapted from Poster Analysis Worksheet, U.S. National Archives & Records Administration)


1.  What (if any) colors are used in this poster?




2.  What symbols (if any) are used in this poster?




3.  If a symbol is used, is it:


         easy to interpret                     memorable                    dramatic?



4.  Are the messages in this poster primarily:


         visual (pictures)                       verbal (words)               or both?



5.  Who do you think is the audience for this poster?  Who was it created to reach?




6.  What does the Government hope the audience will do?




7.  What Government purpose is served by the poster?




8.  Effective posters are unusual, simple, and direct.  Is this an effective poster?  Why or why not?







*(optional)  Explain how this poster is or is not an example of propaganda: