Cartoon Analysis

(Adapted from Cartoon Analysis Worksheet, U.S. National Archives & Records Administration)


Visuals                                                              Words


1.  List the objects or people you                        1.  Identify the cartoon caption &

see in the cartoon:                                             title:






2.  Which of these objects do                              2.  Find three words or phrases

you think are symbols?                                       used by the cartoonist to identify

                                                                        people or objects in the cartoon:





3.  What do you think these                                 3.  Find any important dates or

symbols mean?                                                  numbers that appear in the cartoon:




4.  What is the action taking place                       4.  Which words or phrases do you

in the cartoon?                                                   think are the most important?  Why?





                                                                        5.  List 3 adjectives that describe

                                                                        emotions portrayed in the cartoon:



                                                                        6.  How do the words in the cartoon                                                                                   clarify the symbols?




***What is the message of this cartoon?***



