War at Home: The Civilian Side

Alice Lee 5th Grade

Summer Fellowship, 2008


To download this lesson in PDF format, click here.

Lesson 9—Summative project

1.     Students will now put all their learning from this unit together as they choose to create either a PowerPoint presentation, Movie video, Collage, PhotoStory, or Poster board to show what theyÕve learned. 

2.     Using their journal that has recorded key ideas in each lesson, they will present 1) the supports civilians needed from the Civil War, especially families with soldiers, 2) the supports that families with soldiers still need today, and 3) the ways the government has met those needs, and 4) ideas for ways to continue to support families of soldiers. 

3.     They will use the Summative Project Rubric worksheet as a basis for evaluation.

4.     To make student work authentic, consider allowing students to invite parents, administrators, and other classes to see and exhibit the work theyÕve completed.